Allow editors to use HTML attributes by default

26th Oct 2022

Drupal provides an excellent sanitisation system to filter the HTML content that editors might create. Think of it like a series of traffic cops that filter different vehicles into different lanes. Some content is allowed through to its destination, some has to be transformed along the way, and some is simply blocked from displaying. Administrators can use the 'Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML' option to configure which HTML elements and attributes they can use. This helps protect a site against nefarious HTML - whether it might be malicious or just ugly. Under Drupal 9, editors can't use...

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PhpStorm coding tip for Drupal services

29th Jun 2022

Here's a super simple tip to help you work with services for Drupal in PhpStorm (our favourite IDE). First, ensure you have enabled the Drupal Symfony Bridge and Symfony Support plugins; they're brilliant for auto-complete suggestions, and navigating around services, controllers, annotations and twig templates! I find it so helpful to be able to cmd+click (or ctrl+click) on a service name, whether in a YAML definition, or PHP code, and jump straight to the service class. But I'd noticed that PhpStorm often didn't recognise the method used after my code referred to a service like this:

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Core web vitals - First input delay

Part of the series
Core web vitals
19th Oct 2021

If your website gets a lot of traffic from search engines, and Google in particular, then you need to care about all the things that Google wants you to care about, including 'First input delay'.

If you don't pay attention to this metric then you may find Google lowering your site in their rankings and thus you get less and less traffic to your site. Usually, we aim for more traffic, not less :)

First input delay

There are many great articles explaining what First Input Delay is, so go read them if you need to, and then come...

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Get Hook-ed on Object-Oriented Programming

15th Sep 2021

Does writing hooks make you sad because the code is too procedural? Are you keen to use the object-oriented programming approach that Drupal and its service container enable, wherever you possibly can? Read on if you answered yes to any of those questions.

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