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Articles tagged with "Drupal core"

My text filter's placeholder content disappeared!

19th Jun 2024

A story of contributing a fix to Drupal... and a pragmatic workaround

When I upgraded a site from Drupal 10.1 to 10.2, I discovered a particularly serious bug: the login form on our client's site vanished ... which was pretty serious for this site which hid all content behind a login!

We had a custom text format filter plugin to render the login form in place of a custom token in text that editors set, on one of the few pages that anonymous users could access. Forms can have quite different cacheability to the rest of a page, and building...

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Our 12 month contribution challenge so far

23rd Jun 2020

So we challenged ourselves to contribute back to the Drupal community this year. How are we doing? Here's a simple update on what each of us has done so far. Hopefully we'll see other ComputerMinds team members join this list by the end of the year.

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Customise scaffold files the right way

16th Jun 2020

There are some key files like robots.txt and .htaccess which are often tweaked for Drupal websites. These can be considered part of the 'scaffolding' of a site - they control the way the site works, rather than its content or design. Any new release of Drupal core that includes changes to them specifically mentions that they need updating, as those changes may have to be merged with any customisations made on your site. For example, there was a security release that added rules to .htaccess, which were essential for any site to incorporate and the template settings file, default.settings.php...

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Upgrading jQuery 1.x to version 3.x

I was recently tasked with upgrading jQuery from 1.9 all the way up the latest version of 3.x (3.4). And I seriously thought “There is no way jQuery is on version 3 already!”. How wrong I was. Thankfully I wasn’t the only one thinking this, a few of my colleagues were on my wavelength too! So yes, jQuery is really on 3.x and 1.x is actually really, really old! This article aims to help those of you in the same situation as me with some of the common pitfalls you may encounter. Some of this is semi-specific to Drupal 7...

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Sponsor work to improve Drupal for us all

28th Jan 2020

We love making great websites, standing on the shoulders of the giants that have gone before us to make Drupal what it is today. Thousands of working hours from fantastic people around the world have gone into producing this digital experience platform. Many of those gave voluntarily for free, while many were directed by paying customers who gave back so the rest of us could benefit. Everyone stands to gain when innovation, graft and capacity are pooled together. All that functionality in your Drupal site has been written by a real person at some point, who considered it worth sharing...

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Upgrading your website to Drupal 8 or 9

Part of the series
Upgrading to Drupal 9

Update: Since writing this article the EOL of Drupal 7 has been extended from November 2021 until November 2022.

Your current website/platform is built on Drupal 7 and news has hit your ears about 7’s end of life (EOL). Maybe your website is a Drupal 8 website and you want to know what the future has in store for you. Good news is, you don’t have to do anything immediately, but it is definitely a question that you want to start thinking about very soon.

This article is mainly aimed at Drupal 7 builds looking to upgrade to 8 or...

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Security risks as Drupal matures

12th Dec 2018

After reading this from Ars Technica, which describes how a developer offered to 'help' the maintainer of an NPM module - and then slowly introduced malicious code to it - I can't help but wonder if the Drupal community is vulnerable to the exact same issue. Let's discuss!

###Please, don't touch my package
NPM modules have been hacked at before, and it's not pretty when it happens. Because of the way we use packages, it's a lot easier for nasty code to get sucked in to a LOT of applications before anyone notices. Attacks on the code 'supply chain', therefore...

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Quickly update Drupal core

18th Oct 2018

Update: this article's suggested method has serious shortcomings, use other methods when you can! For example, run the following with drush to just upgrade drupal core code (leaving database updates to be run separately):

drush pm-updatecode drupal --check-updatedb=0

If you've got a Drupal site, which you need to update quickly (for example, to address last night's security advisory!), here's a tip. Run this from the command line:

curl '' | patch -p1

This assumes your codebase was on Drupal 7.59 and you're currently in Drupal's root directory. If you're currently on a different version, adjust the numbers in the...

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Commands I use when creating a patch for

Jo Fitzgerald
20th Dec 2016

I have honed a selection of commands that I regularly use in the creation and application of patches. Here is a run-down of my most useful commands.

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Rendering Drupal 7 fields (the right way)

Stephen Tweeddale
7th Sep 2011

Drupal 7 brought us Entities, and with them the powerful Field API for 'storing, loading, editing, and rendering field data.' attached to them. If you're managing everything through 'manage fields' and 'manage display' tabs of your content type, then every part of that process is rather wonderfully taken care of for you.

We often, however, come across the need to render a field outside the context of it's entity. A common example might include rendering a node's author in a sidebar block. Sure, modules like Panels and CCK Blocks will do this for you, but doing it manually is actually not that hard.

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