core = 6.x api = 2 ; A lovely clean version of Drupal core. projects[drupal][type] = core ; The job queue module for queue processing projects[job_queue][subdir] = 'contrib' ; The API module of course. projects[api][subdir] = "contrib" projects[api][type] = "module" projects[api][download][type] = "git" projects[api][download][url] = "git://" projects[api][download][revision] = "d0eec3c58fe52e7e38805b69412812490826736f" ; Allow API module to scan code in hidden directories, see: projects[api][patch][] = "" ; Add a drush command to add/update a branch to the API module, see: projects[api][patch][] = "" ; The Autoload module needed by Grammar Parser in 6.x projects[autoload][subdir] = 'contrib' ; The Grammar Parser module needed for scanning all those files for documentation. projects[grammar_parser][subdir] = "contrib" projects[grammar_parser][type] = "module" projects[grammar_parser][download][type] = "git" projects[grammar_parser][download][url] = "git://" projects[grammar_parser][download][revision] = "39f34bd6c68b56b422d076774499c2c236780340" ; Make Grammar Parser compatible with Drupal 6.x, see: projects[grammar_parser][patch][] = "" ; The ctools module required by API module. projects[ctools][subdir] = "contrib" projects[ctools][type] = "module" projects[ctools][download][type] = "git" projects[ctools][download][url] = "git://" projects[ctools][download][revision] = "00b613891d5ff18521daea9ed2d3611c210c9a67"